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Small Groups

Belong to God's family at Woodhill with a small group. Get involved in a course, a Life Group, a time of prayer and more. Find out how below.

Life Groups

Life Groups help us to follow Jesus one step at a time. They're also a great place to get to know people at Woodhill, find support and live life together. Life Groups meet on a Wednesday night at homes in Bishopbriggs, Kirkintilloch, Lenzie and Stepps and are made up of 10 to 15 people. Wherever you are in your faith, there's a Life Group for you. If you'd like to find a group, get in touch


Prayer Times
Prayer Times

Praying together is a priority at Woodhill. We meet together as a Church to share our thanks to God and ask God to help us further his plan in our lives and our community, just like the early Church. We are currently hosting prayer times online. Please contact us for details.

Women's Groups

Our women's ministry aims to bring women of all ages together for fellowship, prayer and exploring faith further. Check our events page for details of special one-off events.


  • Kairos meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm for a time of fellowship, to study God's word and pray together.

  • Ladies Bible Study meets every Wednesday from 10:15am (from September to June).

Men's Groups

The men's ministry at Woodhill provides opportunities for men to meet together in a relaxed atmosphere. All men are invited to come along, no matter what age you are. 


  • Men's Hub Club takes place on the 4th Thursday of the month in The Hub Cafe. Come along from 7:30pm for coffee, a chat and to meet some new people.

  • Forged is a monthly evening for men to grow further in faith, discuss important topics and build friendships. Join us on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Green Room.


Inspire Choir

The Inspire Choir are a mix of all ages and voices. They meet weekly on a Sunday after the Family Service to practice together, worship and enjoy friendship. The group also sing at big events throughout the year. Open to anyone who enjoys singing and would like to join!

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