Our Vision and Beliefs
Woodhill are called to be a church family who:
Depend fully on the father
We want to depend on God's guidance through the Bible, prayer and worship. We know that we can only thrive when fully dependent on Him.
Imitate Jesus Christ
We prioritise a relationship with Jesus and seek to become more like Him as we follow God’s teachings and invite His Holy Spirit to change us.
Spur each other on
We are committed to investing in each other as supportive brothers and sisters. We encourage and challenge each other, here and around the world.
Make space at our table
We seek to be great neighbours, reaching out to offer support to our community and inviting everyone to encounter Jesus for themselves.
Work together to make it happen
We deeply value one another and want to equip everyone to find their part to play, to serve our community as a church and live wholeheartedly for God.
Woodhill Evangelical Church declares the following truths of the Christian faith:
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is the guiding authority in our lives.
We believe in God as three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son. He lived without sin, died on the cross for us, and rose again three days later before going up to Heaven.
We believe that everyone needs individual faith and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
We believe that God’s followers should be baptised as the Bible commands.
We believe that Jesus is coming back again as He promised and we will face final judgement.